Sunday, July 22, 2007

Free public transport: Everyone benefits - Everyone pays


Continueing my investigation of free public transport is the site "FreePublicTransport"! Its "Executive Summary" is as follows:

If public transit were free, more people would use it. Fewer auto-miles would be driven. Carbon dioxide emissions would drop. Everyone would benefit. It would be fair, then, that the cost would be paid by everyone.

Let's address the argument that autosprawl is good for the economy. The profits generated by millions of single family homes and millions of single occupancy vehicles are not real profits. The waste of resources and other societal costs are "externalized" from the calculation of these profits, passed on to the taxpayer, future generations, and other countries.

Check out the site.


Anonymous said...

That makes sense.
Combine it with localized economy and we are on the way to make a difference.

National Enquirer said...

Yes definitely Michael. Localised power generation, localised water utility (rainwater and graywater tanks and processing, pumping).

These are of course the things governments and big business least desire as it removes control and hence profits from them (to be handed back to the home owner and small businesses).